Sunday 12 May 2013

Made Up My Mind

I did a video on how overweight I am and posted it on you tube and on this blog. I became so disgusted with how I looked and felt that is when I decided that something had to be done. Therefore I joined my local 24 hour gym, next I went to the library to get a nutrition cook book, and finally I talked to the gym owner and posted an ad at the gym looking for a life fitness coach. I have had many calls about the coaching position and set up interviews for next week. Being healthy is something I have been most of my life until my wife and I began to have kids that is. Once the kids started popping out so did my waist line with all the processed foods I was eating along with my increased appetite for beer, before long I was nearing 300 lbs after weighing 210 pounds most of my adult life. What really opened my eyes was the fact that I was out of breath all the time while doing simple task like walking up stairs or chasing after the babies. I made the video and looked at the pictures and that was when I began to visualize a plan to transform this body into a healthy machine. I recently dropped 5 lbs and yes that felt good as it gave me confidence to continue on this healthy journey. I posted the recipe to lose 5 lbs  on this blog and hope it is an aid to anyone looking to get started with results right away so that they can gain confidence like i did to stick to the plan. If you haven't read the blog post for the recipe to lose 5 lbs i recommend you do it as any weight loss can boost your morale. Finally remember the battle is in your head with every success you gain confidence and strength to carry on till the battle is won.

Be blessed and visualize your success

PS.  I am not some prolific writer and I never will claim to be. If you find the blog hard to read, I suggest you leave me a message and if you are willing to volunteer to edit my rough draft let's do it together!  

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